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Innovation Team Assembly Training

Attract, hire and develop innovation dream team members

Building Amazing Dream Teams

What you need to know before you go

Before you hire an innovation team, the corporation needs a clear mandate for innovation. Without a clear vision, goals, and knowing who they innovate for, success is next to impossible. Initiating any business transformation, moving into new industry segments or replacing dying segments with innovative solutions, building new business models or anything of that order means a multi-million or billion shift. Innovation teams responsible for such a shift need to be extraordinary talents.

Innovation means changing what exists. Disruption means breaking all rules. Creating a breakthrough innovation and bringing it successfully to market requires a team with unique cognitive abilities.

Innovation teams also need a different skill set for sales and marketing. The early customers who are buying innovative products are profoundly different from those who prefer tried and tested solutions. The same is true for innovation marketing.

In this two-day Innovation Team Assembly Training, you will learn what the ideal profile of innovation team members is, where to find them, and how they fit into a modern corporate structure without jeopardizing their creativity.

Next Training: on request


09:30 am – 12:30 am CEST
03:30 pm – 07:30 pm ICT

Dates to be determined
Part 1,  July 7 | Part 2, July 12

Overall Objectives

After completing the Innovation Team Assembly Training you will be able to

  • profile
  • attract
  • source
  • identify
  • interview
  • compensate
  • hire
  • onboard

a complete corporate innovation team.

You will learn what types of actors are needed in a well-composed corporate innovation team and how you can develop it further. To get a better insight into the unique tasks innovation teams will need to perform, you are also getting an insight into the basics of neuro innovation processes.

Who is this for?

  • Innovation Team Leaders
  • Hiring Managers
  • Human Talent Development Managers
  • Talent Scouts.

What you will learn

  • What kind of activities will innovation team members be able to perform.
  • What are their goals and responsibilities and how they will be compensated?
  • What are typical innovation life cycles and what are the career mechanisms within a long-term engagement?
  • How top innovation teams are composed, what skills they have in common and what backgrounds are relevant.
  • Why a highly diverse team is essential for their success.
  • How top talents can quickly acquire missing skills
  • How and where can you source and attract top talents?
  • What are the best interview and hiring techniques for those innovative minds?
  • What do you need to know about Innovation culture and culture fit?
  • What are current salaries and other benefits for the innovation team members?
  • How can you build a top attractive package for the innovation team?
  • What training and development should you be prepared to offer.

Skills you will gain

  • Innovation team sourcing skills
  • Innovation Talent interview skills
  • Innovation team negotiation skills
  • Innovation team assessment skills
  • Innovation team selection skills
  • Innovation team onboarding skills

Your Instructors

The BlueCallom instructors consist of successful innovation experts, ensuring the finest learning experience based on practice expertise.

Philippe Theis

VP Innovation Services

Program Details

ID 205201 |  € 1,250 / person

  • 2-weeks, (½ day each week) instructor-led online training
  • One 4-hour session per week plus Q+A
  • Online exam at the end of the program
  • Total of 8 hours per session plus preparation
  • Innovation Team Assembly Certificate