Use Case
A company preparing its annual ESG report, for example, might require data from suppliers and customers to determine its CO2 footprint. This process typically demands significant effort from all involved parties, often requiring a consulting team and additional resources. However, an intelligent and autonomous business report generation solution can now handle all the necessary tasks independently, completing the entire process in just a few days.
The Challenge
Business reports, such as ESG reports, annual reports, and similar documents, require extensive data aggregation, establishing relationships between data points, generating situational analyses, and summarizing the information in a clear, engaging format for the intended audience. These reports are typically very time-consuming and resource-intensive to produce.
Degree of
Today, all business reports are done manually. The aggregation of data from countless sources is painful and the accurateness is rather mediocre. A new report is generated by the end of every time period. So it is already possible, hence only a 3 star degree of impossibility.
Core Benefits &
The “Autonomous Business Reporting” solution streamlines the data aggregation process by involving all participating parties without requiring complex, constantly evolving data connections. Customers or suppliers simply upload their data in any format into the GPTBlue system, where it is assessed, normalized, and used to create an AI model. This data model serves as the foundation for report generation.
The AI backend intelligently establishes the necessary relationships between the aggregated data and interprets its meaning for the final output.
What is
1) Data aggregation is no longer involving manual work on the company side
2) The models for each report period also act as historic data repository
3) A report analysis intelligence builds the necessary relationships of the used data and builds report blocks as defined by the company and possibly taking general ruling systems into account
4) The report output can be used as is or can be used to feed a content management system make it an attractive report in the branding and style of the company