Enterprise Workflow Intelligence are Agentic-AI based solutions delivering intelligent processes, removing complexity, and gaining significant productivity
1) BlueCallom Autonomous AI Solutions
“Autonomous” – The key advantage in Agentic-AI
Agentic AI is no Software
Artificial Intelligence is evolving into a higher-order form of software. At its core, an AI system doesn’t just shuttle data between users and databases; it orchestrates an intelligent flow through billions of pieces of codified content. Unlike conventional software that primarily relies on CPUs, modern AI systems leverage GPUs with specialized Transformer Engines—to manage and learn from trillions of parameters. This approach, often described as ‘Codified Intelligence,’ enables these systems to process and understand complex information from end to end, a capability that traditional software architectures were never designed to achieve.”
As a consequence, agentic-AI-based enterprise Workflow Intelligence is a category on its own and profoundly different from conventional software with AI add-ons. This new ‘higher-order’ is mostly very hard to comprehend—very much like conventional software in the 1960s, it was extremely hard to understand for people who had never experienced it.
Enterprise Workflow Intelligence (EWI) for Operational Excellence
Productivity is a vital indicator of a company’s health and profitability. BlueCallom Autonomous AI Solutions free up time for teams to concentrate on high-impact, strategic, and creative work, rather than being bogged down by routine tasks. This shift allows employees to engage in more meaningful work, driving both job satisfaction and business success.
Enterprise Workflow Intelligence (EWI) in Innovation and R&D
Autonomous AI Solutions are advanced systems that independently manage complex business processes, understand the broader context, align with corporate objectives, provide informed suggestions, and make decisions autonomously or in collaboration with human input. These solutions go beyond traditional automation, using AI to solve previously impossible challenges, bringing innovation and maximizing productivity.
Enterprise Workflow Intelligence (EWI) in Compliance Management
One of the biggest challenges in compliance management is reviewing products, tools, innovations, and new product updates or processes to check on compliance. Compliance Management is often completely overloaded by the countless requests it receives. Without intelligent processes, this is only a growing problem. BlueCallom COMPLY was created to introduce Enterprise Workflow Intelligence to solve that problem.
Enterprise Workflow Intelligence (EWI) in Banking Process Management
Private Banks are rather far behind in optimizing their internal processes. Cost is growing while competition, in particular from digital banks, is growing. The Cost-Incom-Ration (CIR) goes up, and the banks run an ever bigger risk. BlueCallom BANKCIRO was designed to help bring down the CIR with its unique Enterprise Workflow Intelligence solution.
2) BlueCallom AgenticBlue Management Platform
Managing Enterprise Workflow Intelligence (EWI)
Managing Mission Critical Enterprise Solutions
Managing AI Solutions
AI Agents and entire AI Solutions need management. Management means knowing what is implemented, who is using it, what the outcome is, and what is their value.
Digital AI Asset Management
Individual Prompts, AI AGents, and entire AI Solutions are critical Digital Assets. They are not only of value in itself but produce value through productivity gains.
Agentic AI Framework
The Agentic AI Framework is a detailed description of the platform design. It allows company internal engineers to create their own Prompts, Agents, or Solutions and orchestrate all the assets in one place.
3) BlueCallom EWI Development System
Developing professional Prompts, Agents, and Multi-Agent Solutions
BlueCallom GPTBlue Studio
BlueCallom GPTBlue is our unique AI Multi-Agent Solution Development System. It was born out of necessity when building the first AI-Native business solutions.
The development scope includes Prompts, Agents, and Multi-Agent-Solutions.
The core element driving agents and multi-agent solutions is prompts. We developed a “Prompt-over-Code” (PoC) methodology to create those AI Assets (Agent and Multi-Agent Solutions) to leverage the Intelligence of Prompts within the solutions we create.