The end game of any Artifcial Intelligent Application.Human Intelligence Augmentation

Dawn of Human Intelligence Augmentation

In 1961, Douglas Engelbart introduced the world to Human Intelligence Augmentation (HIA). Instead of technology replacing humans, Engelbart envisioned a symbiotic relationship, where machines would amplify our capabilities. While the technology of the time couldn’t fully realize this vision, today, we stand on the verge of Engelbart’s dream. The new HIA Technology (HIAtec) is fast emerging.

Essence of Intelligence

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems that we have never confronted before through thinking and constructing solutions in our minds. But there are many other ways to describe intelligence. In today’s world, we even form several types of intelligence. While humans possess unparalleled creative problem-solving abilities, our capacity to handle very complex problems is limited. Yet, we built organizations, structures, political systems, legal constructs and much more that have grown to a degree that has outgrown our intellectual capacity. This is where Generative AI can abstract complex problems and help us to deal with them like we deal today with gigantic numbers, can travel at 100 times the speed we can walk and lift 1,000 times and more of our own weight.

Unleashing HIA’s Potential

Several technologies are pushing the boundaries of HIA. Among these is Neuro-AI-Fusion, which leverages insights from neuroscience to activate brain triggers, enhancing human thinking. We’re also seeing advancements in Generative AI and Large Language Models, enabling a higher level of creativity and processing capabilities. Remember, the AI tools that are transforming industries today are augmentations of our abilities, just like vehicles or cranes have been in the past. As we gaze into the future, HIA promises innovations in record times, individualized learning experiences, and solutions to massive challenges like space colonization or environmental crises.

Human Intelligence Augmentation in the Business Sphere

The business landscape is changing, with a demand for rapid innovation and a growing skills gap. HIA has the potential to revolutionize this sector. For instance, managers can simulate decision outcomes akin to crash testing in vehicles. Moreover, with HIA, businesses can offer personalized customer experiences, optimize human resources, and foresee supply chain disruptions, giving them an unparalleled competitive edge. The era of raw data reliance is fading; businesses will soon harness the blend of human insight and AI precision. This blend is already realized today when predicting innovation success probability.

World’s first HIAtec application  

A very timely example is the challenge of getting AI into all areas of a business to reduce the workload where employees are not best qualified and delegate those tasks to machines. The time gain allows everybody to do more creative work and increase productivity by an order of magnitude. In a way, everybody will become a manager, managing machines by delegating all kinds of work like research, report writing, documentation, review processes, validations, and much more to AI-driven systems. Such an AI Adoption Project may have taken one to three years in large global enterprises. Today, BlueCallom GO-AI helps teams manage the execution of such a project in a few weeks and delivers a magnificent outcome that is almost guaranteed. It is the first genuine Human Intelligence Augmentation solution leveraging Neuro-AI-fusion for direct brain access without touching the person. The Future of Mind-Machine Collaboration is now a reality.

HIAtec: Rise of Super Humans  

Even though HIA does not touch the brain or involve any medical or other modulations, it gives humans superpowers relative to anybody else. It allows individuals and teams to do things in a fraction of the time or reach ideas that are just not possible with brainstorming or other methods. Again, the first people who drove a car could span distances nobody else could before. Or people could fly what was impossible before the inception of the first planes. Mind-machine collaboration is now on its long journey to a world unimaginable for most of us.


HIA isn’t about machines replacing humans or keeping us occupied in a technology-dominated age. It’s about embracing technology to enhance human abilities and forging a collaborative future. Through HIA, we’re charting a path to a future where humans are more insightful, connected, and capable. Embracing this collaboration doesn’t just redefine our work or learning; it reshapes our very essence in a digital age. As we venture into this intertwined future, we have to realize that HIA  is not a way to protect humans from machines; it is all about giving humans yet another power tool to do things that we cannot do with our abilities. But this time, it isn’t augmenting our muscle power but our brain power.  Hence our saying: AI is not replacing people, but people using AI will displace people who don’t. You have very, very limited chances to become a manager if you can’t read or write. The next generation, leveraging Human Intelligence Augmentation, will displace anybody without exception.