Tag Archive for: innovation
Innovation Speed or Perfection
Old EventsWhen is the time to innovate?
The time between the day when the need to innovate is recognized to the day the first version of a prototype is in the market. Innovation speed or perfection? Go for speed any time.
For instance: The need or…
BlueCallom Equation Introduction – Value of Innovation
Know HowCalculating the value of an innovation
One of our early objectives was to easily describe the value of our work. It is not easy as Innovation has so many moving parts and the fact that enterprises around the world are feverishly trying to find…
Why Pursue Open Innovation?
Know HowOpen innovation is a frequently-used term that brings a variety of imagery to mind: collaboration, intellectual property, startups, and co-creation. But most importantly, it involves “combining internal and external ideas” to bring new business…
100 Million Innovation Managers – IMACAD
X-Syndicated400 Million businesses (OECD) may look for a total of 100 Million Innovation Managers during this decade.
100 Million Innovation Managers
Of course, at first sight, it sounds ridiculous. Yet if you take the number of registered businesses…
10 Things that Change with Neuro Innovation
Know HowNeuro Innovation - How ideas get created
Neuroscience had the single biggest impact on our modern understanding of innovation, in particular Neuro Innovation. One key aspect is the realization that ideas don’t come randomly and there are no…
4 Strategies to Foster an Innovative Work Environment
Know HowWhat can be done to make your organization more innovative?
The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the rules for conducting business. Now more than ever, innovative behavior is one of the essential characteristics that a company needs to develop…
7 Most Counter-intuitive Innovation Traps
Know HowIn a recent research project, interviewing or discussing the entire innovation process in mid-market to global enterprises, we found a high concentration in 7 areas of counter-intuitive behavior or innovation traps. We have been aware of 5…
Big Five Innovation Types
Know How
Innovation is an extremely counterintuitive business.
For most people outside the innovation space, Innovation means radically new or significantly improved products. Interestingly enough, product innovation is the least successful model. There…
BlueCallom in the Making – Beyond Brainstorming
A billion-dollar innovation is not done with a few brainstorming meetings.
We started with a big problem (see history below) and have the vision to develop technology for innovation teams to innovate like never before imaginable past…
Neuro Ideation – Step by Step
Know HowIntelligent Neuro Ideation
When understanding how our mind composes and processes ideas, we must ask how we can leverage those cognitive abilities, control them, influence them, and improve our thinking skills? The Neuro Ideation method is the…