Tag Archive for: BlueCallom

Harnessing the Power of
Shadow AI

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Harnessing the Power of Shadow AI You may be surprised by the title's positive aspect. But I speak from experience - not fear. Last year, I was directly confronted with this topic and was asked to explore solutions for this "problem."  YES,…

Exploring the Frontier of Human and Machine Intelligence

Join the BlueCallom Team at the Swiss Innovation Forum 2023 On the brisk morning of November 30th, Basel will not just awaken to the usual calm of the Rhine's flow or the distant Jura Mountains' silhouette. It will stir the pulse of innovation…

Beginning of a New Journey | BlueCallom

The end of an exceptional project, and the beginning of a new journey, BlueCallom. In 2015 we asked ourselves: "how can we help startups in our accelerator to create a disruptive business model?" The initial response was - impossible. Impossible…

From experimentation to “Innovation on Demand”

The Quest for more Innovation In the last five to ten years, pretty much any business and any government was pushing for more innovation. But if somebody was asked "How do I innovate? Tell me to step by step", there was no tangible answer.…