IntentionWare is the intellectual process that turns intentions, aims, plans, or needs into reality. It can be a strategy or executable process developed by artificial intelligence or produced by robotic machines driven by AI. All it takes is an intention.
IntentionWare versus Software
IntentionWare needs a human intention to provide it to an AI-driven IntentionWare system, creating the result.
Software needs far more effort and time to do the same. It requires a human intention to describe a solution. Then, it takes a software developer’s intention to code the software to match the original intention, which all too often does not quite match.
Then, another human enters enough data that can be used by others.
Finally, there will be yet another human to retrieve that data to make the original intention a reality.
Why does it matter?
Artificial Intelligence is IntentionWare. Arguing about a bad experience with Generative AI is arguing about your intentions. Knowing your intentions makes you clear about the outcome—not just at a high level but in all details. IntentionWare remains a tool for human intelligence, yet it represents a new level above software. The difficulties in understanding Software as something real transcend now to IntentionWare.
Once you experience the transformation of your intentions into results, you know the power of IntentionWare.
To achieve this, you can simply play with it, learn more about it, and apply it where it makes sense.
What is IntentionWare made of?
A prompt you created is IntentionWare. You crafted a thing called Prompt that is understood by another thing called the GPT system and Large Language Model; both of which are running on a computer. Unlike software that runs step by step, process by process, and instruction for instruction through a Computer CPU, the AI system has a tiny operational piece of software but a massive Language Model that explores relationships, reasons, and things. To do so, it uses IntentionWare and produces Text, Images, Videos, or Audio to respond to the intention. Those results land on your computer and the Browser, which is software that makes the response visible, readable, or hearable. In essence, IntentionWare is pure intelligence.
Think of it as a path and cars. For millions of years, our species, Homo, used paths to go from one point on Earth to another. We still use paths (software), but when cars were invented, everything changed – even though people used to do so- so it’s still nothing else but going from point A to point B. Cars in this example are our IntentionWare.
Where can I learn more about it?
We are conducting quarterly online Agentic AI Bootcamps, which you can find on the BlueCallom Website. These two-day instructor-based workshops include hands-on exercises, so you learn the theory and the practical results in one program.