GPTBlue Update April 2024.1

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GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 BluePrompt - a new strategic technology for more sophisticated business prompts Prompt IP Protection - and Open Source options when distributing prompts Intelligent Prompt Distribution - ensuring recurring revenue …

Regaining control of an enterprise

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Regaining control of an enterprise The complexity of modern organizations seems to have surpassed human capacity. Too often, innovation is hamstrung by the need to address legacy issues before embarking on new initiatives. The symbiosis…

HIA The Future of Mind-Machine Collaboration

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Human Intelligence Augmentation (HIA): The Future of Human-Machine Collaboration The Dawn of HIA In 1961, Douglas Engelbart introduced the world to Human Intelligence Augmentation (HIA). Instead of technology replacing humans, Engelbart envisioned…

Game-changing Innovation – Copenhagen Innovation Summit

Show-time in Copenhagen !!!  The Innovation Roundtable ApS company is organizing an Innovation Summit, May 10-12, 2022. And we can't wait to join them. A good time and place to meet with the Innovation Industry. A three-day interactive conference…

Innovation Outlook 2022

BlueCallom is officially a year old now. In the past three years, before we started, we learned so much from neuroscience that it turned our perspective of innovation upside down. In 2021 we hosted several Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable…

BlueCallom Announces Neuro Innovation Management Software – Press Release

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   BlueCallom to change innovation landscape with AI, Genetic Computing, and Neuroscience NOVEMBER 25, 2020 (Lucerne, CH) BlueCallom ™ today announces its official launch as a Neuro Innovation Management…

BlueCallom in the Making – Beyond Brainstorming

  A billion-dollar innovation is not done with a few brainstorming meetings. We started with a big problem (see history below) and have the vision to develop technology for innovation teams to innovate like never before imaginable past…

BlueCallom Progress & Update

Remember our first webinars? We talked about the concept of Deep Innovation Design in January this year. We made the analogy to athletes and how they went through an amazing transformation. In just 50 years amazing superstars! Today we are…

Beginning of a New Journey | BlueCallom

The end of an exceptional project, and the beginning of a new journey, BlueCallom. In 2015 we asked ourselves: "how can we help startups in our accelerator to create a disruptive business model?" The initial response was - impossible. Impossible…

BlueCallom of Society3 – Think Innovatively

How do you think innovatively?  After 4 years of research, we found the answer to one of the most often asked questions: "How did you guys come up with all your innovative ideas?" One in particular, "How do you think innovatively? Tell me,…