Entries by Axel Schultze


Innovation Market Dynamics

Innovation Market Dynamics Before starting to innovate, it makes sense to understand the general market dynamics for innovative solutions. For decades, enterprises struggled when their innovative solutions did not take off within 12 to 24 months and killed the projects. Little was known about innovation diffusion. Everett Rogers coined the term in 1966 but the […]


Empowering Enterprises Innovation

From the 4th Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable Culture development is an ongoing topic that keeps coming back in every roundtable. A lot of progress has been made yet, CULTURE is something that neither can’t be created nor changed overnight. Another interesting topic surfaced at the last Innovation Thought Leader roundtable: Unrealistic and non-substantiated expectations regarding […]

Cognitive abilities to groundbreaking innovation

It takes unique cognitive abilities or so-called soft skills or talents to get you to groundbreaking innovation. Talents or Soft Skills matters – in some cases, even more than hard skills. One of those cases is with Innovation Development. Creating a groundbreaking innovation needs a new perspective, open-mindedness, creativity, courage, and other cognitive abilities deeply […]

The Initial Value of an Idea is Zero

You have a new business idea. You are so excited that it quickly becomes your best-kept secret. You get almost paranoid about somebody stealing this great concept that apparently nobody else figured out yet. Now – one day you have to share the secret, when you hire somebody helping you to build the product or […]

Innovation, its flavors and why they exist

The different innovation flavors and terms are confusing and oftentimes are only used to distract from an inability to innovate. But what is the meaning and how can you focus on genuine innovation. Groundbreaking vs. Disruptive innovation Those two flavors of innovation are rather close. Yet, when looking under the hood, there is a slight […]


Building an Innovation Culture

In this post, we want to go beyond the typical aspects of innovation culture-building. We simply assume you know that innovation is one of the most demanding jobs, and it needs extraordinary talents to make innovation happen. Many aspects of Motivation, Empowerment, Inspiration, Failure as a way of learning, and a clear innovation mandate are […]

How Failing to Innovate Affects the Market Cap of Enterprises

Enterprises don’t need to fear disrupters, but the disruption in the capital market A growing number of enterprises feel the headwind from capital markets. Up and coming businesses get valuations far above conventional businesses that may be more than ten times as big. Those warning signals all too often are simply ignored. But that could […]

Innovation Opportunity for Enterprises

Innovation opportunity for enterprises. What worked for startups can now also work for enterprises. Even the innovation process would be the same. And purpose and reasoning should be the same too. The only difference is the leadership structure. And that requires a new understanding of what actually makes the difference between the two company types […]

Innovation Speed or Perfection

When is the time to innovate? The time between the day when the need to innovate is recognized to the day the first version of a prototype is in the market. Innovation speed or perfection? Go for speed any time. For instance: The need or the dream to have an internet connection in any place […]